Sunday, November 24, 2019

Case Study Climate of Diversity

Case Study Climate of Diversity Introduction The art and science of hiring employees for diversity requires a perfect balance into the interplay between professional issues, job demands, and the diversity paradigms, policies, and initiatives as set out by the organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study: Climate of Diversity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In equal measure, it is now known that to remain competitive in today’s ever changing and continuously more complex global business environment, it is important for all stakeholders involved to make a conscious effort towards attracting, hiring, and retaining highly qualified employees from diverse backgrounds, who will have the necessary strength, independence, and innovativeness to enable organizations scale new heights as they consolidate the gains made so far (Arthur, 1998). Analysis Summary The introductory remarks, in my view, inform the decision to hire the second appl icant – a recently divorced professional woman with no family attachments at the moment. The vacant position that necessitated the interviewing of the four applicants should be guided, in principle, by four critical points, namely: high professional qualifications; need to implement diversity initiatives; independence of movement by virtue of its global outreach, and; a penchant for results. It therefore follows that applicants with school-going children and other binding family commitments, though qualified to the wire, may find the position unrewarding since it involves a lot of travelling at a global level. Such a job orientation, in my view, will definitely affect their productivity and morale, implying that the organization will be unable to achieve its growth targets – both short-term and long-term. In summary, the decision to hire the professional woman divorcee for this plum position is informed by two critical factors – preservation of diversity initiat ives as underlined in the organization’s policies and the need to have an independent person fill this position. As noted by Greenburg (2009), â€Å"†¦an organization’s success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits† (para. 5). Equally, this applicant has no family engagements and, by extension, no children. The position, by virtue of the constant travel to global cities, calls for an independent, free-minded person, who will direct all her energies to the cause of the position without getting distracted by the events occurring within the family setup.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consequences The consequences of taking this decision, if well managed, can only bring positive outcomes. Although problems may present in terms of communication barriers and resistance from other members of the organization who may feel they deserved to be given the position, it is unprofessional to forget the many benefits associated with maintaining diversity initiatives in the workplace, which includes introduction of new thought systems and paradigms, increased adaptability, introduction of a broader range of service, and more effective execution of the organization’s policies and strategies (Greenburg, 2009). Potential Impact The decision to include diversity considerations in the hiring process will definitely bring good tidings to the marketing department in particular and the organization in general. As the head of marketing, I shall rest assured that I have an employee who will help the organization attain its growth targets. As observed by Greenburg (2009), â€Å"†¦employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands† (para. 6). However, it i s proper to prepare for a potential backlash from other senior employees from the department, who may feel that they deserved the position. The organization, too, may initially face resistance from other senior personnel who may think that they were bypassed, but such resistance must not be allowed to overshadow the potential benefits achievable through adapting diversity initiatives Global Implications At a global level, the organization will be positively impacted by this decision owing to the fact that increasing globalization of business suggests that diversity is critical to the existence and survival of organizations (Greenburg, 2009). When global organizations use diversity paradigms to attract, hire, and retain qualified employees, they not only enhance their global corporate image, but also their productivity, profit, and return on investment Reference List Arthur, D. (1998). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and orienting new employees. New York, NY: AMACOM.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study: Climate of Diversity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Greenberg, J. (2009). Diversity in the workplace: Benefits, challenges, and solutions. Web.

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