Thursday, January 30, 2020

Level 3 Childcare Education Essay Example for Free

Level 3 Childcare Education Essay Describe the initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children (5 marks) There are different types of international, national and local initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children. An example of an initiative is the Forest Schools. ‘A Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning’ http://www. forestschools. om/what-happens-at-a-forest-school/ Forest schools can influence the provision of a challenging environment, as the teachers can take the children in small groups every week to the local woods to have a better understanding of the outdoor environment and it’s linked to the curriculum. By doing this it enables children to be able to be in a safe environment when exploring and having adventures so they can see what things they can do when they go into the woods next time. It can also help children with problems such as language problems as this allows them to speak about the experience they are having which can then be taken to the classroom and then it could be turned into a story to help the child. When going into the woods it helps to cater the behaviour for the problem children and it also teaches children when they can and can’t mess around. It also focuses on the fundamental aspect of the Forest School innovation educational approach. The Forest School provides ways for meeting learning objectives while developing practical life skills and encouraging child-initiated learning, which is observed and assessed. Lots of young children prefer to be outside than in the classroom environment because they can find it more exciting and they might pay more attention. Word Count- 240

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Joseph NcNamara :: essays research papers

Joseph D. McNamara was chief of police for the city of San Jose, California for fifteen years, as well as Kansas City, Missouri. He is recognized as an expert in criminal justice, police technology and management systems, crime prevention, and international drug control policies. He was appointed a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, in 1991.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McNamara was a pioneer in criticizing the way Police Departments and the government â€Å" fought the war on crime†. McNamara challenged what has long been the norm in society on how to best deal with drug use in the United States. He was also on the forefront of police corruption and abuses committed by Police Officers. Numerous articles, interviews, lectures were researched to best convey McNamara’s philosophy of police technology, innovativeness and management style (leadership). McNamara's career in law enforcement spans a thirty-five-year period. He began in Harlem as a beat patrolman for the New York City Police Department. He rose through the ranks and in midcareer was appointed a criminal justice fellow at Harvard Law School, focusing on criminal justice research methodology. Following this appointment he took a leave from police work and obtained a doctorate in public administration at Harvard. Returning to duty with the NYPD, he was appointed deputy inspector in charge of crime analysis for New York City. In 1973 McNamara became police chief of Kansas City, Missouri, leading that department into groundbreaking research and innovative programs. In 1976 McNamara was appointed police chief for the city of San Jose, where he remained until his retirement in 1991. During his tenure, San Jose (the third-largest city in California and the eleventh largest in the United States) became the safest city in the country, despite having the fewest police per capita. The San Jose police became a model for innovation, community relations, utilization of technology, and productivity.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

League of Legends is Good

League of Legends is a game that is very popular these days. However, nearly every parent hates the idea of his/her children playing this game. Parent only heard the news that a Taiwanese died from playing League of Legends. Also, his/her parent don't want his/her child to get addicted by it. However, moms and dads will never know the pros of the game. I enjoy talking about it with my good friends. Nearly everyone in KISS Paying plays League of Legends, and it is one of the most popular games in the school right now.We even have a secret Faceable group called KISS 7th Grade League of Legends. We like to post mimes, our favorite game match we've had, and some news. If I have a victory, it is so fun to talk about it with my friends. Also, we always laugh if something funny happened in LOL. Because of this, there are usually good relationships between the kids who play LOL. I usually have pride in my achievements, form camaraderie's with other folks online, and gain appreciation of my growing skills. ! Different champions, skills, and champ combinations get me excited.In LOL, there are many champions that a player could use for battle. Currently, there are over 100 different champions, so the player can choose who he/she want to play (the player needs to buy the champion first). It is never boring, because he/she can buy new champions, decorations (a. K. A. Skins), and every champions have their own unique passives and active skills. These features let you fall deep into imagination, a place where you can relieve stress, if used enough. People are terribly mistaken if they think of LOL as a game that only kills other people.Surprisingly, LOL can improve one's cooperation and planning skills, as well as some other things, such as communication skills, vice versa. LOL requires 5 players on each team, who all have different roles. Because everyone has different roles, no one is less important than others. Also, cooperation and communication are the keys to victory. A player need to communicate with your team (in a way they can understand) if he/she want to coordinate a surprise attack. If the player cooperate, the team will sometimes compliment him/her, and form a friendship with the player.The player needs to plan ahead of what he/she are going to do. LOL is a strategy game. The team's victory doesn't happen only because one's skills are good. He/she need to work with his/her team to win. There are many pros for playing League of Legends. It is actually beneficial to people, if they can control their gaming time. It can help them make friends, improve their cooperation/planning/communication skills, and it can excite them, even though they are in a very bad mood. Parents are Just worrying about their children too much,

Monday, January 6, 2020

The War Of The United States Army - 1326 Words

Many stories are told throughout history with a flourish and twinkle in the eye. From tales of the Roman Empire and its long suffering fall to revolutions sparked around the globe that ignite a sense of patriotism and independence in its citizens, from France to Vietnam. A story that is passed down from generation to generation, though, is the story of the Screaming Eagles, or the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army, and no other time is more ripe for storytelling about these brave men, these Band of Brothers from the 506th Infantry Regiment, than World War II. From simple beginnings in western Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia and New York and Arkansas, to training camp in Georgia, we hear the stories of desperately young men transformed by war, by death and destruction and small pieces of glittering hope, and we laud their bravery, their sacrifice, and their determination. Who exactly are these Band of Brothers, and what did they do that contributed so heavily to thei r god-like status then and now? From Camp Toccoa in Georgia to the beaches of Normandy, the bitterly cold forests of Belgium, the small towns of Amsterdam, and finally to the heartland of the Third Reich, these raucous, courageous, honorable men shaped each part of the war they attended, and their legacy lives on through story and media today. Formation of the Screaming Eagles To better understand the significance the 101st airborne played to the war, it is imperative to understand theShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And The United States Army Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesThe Army began its linage on June 14, 1775, when the Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army in order to combine the 13 American colonies and fight the British forces (). 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